From FFI Practitioner
Please join FFI Practitioner in three New Year’s Resolutions for 2023.
Dear FFI Practitioner Readers and Listeners,
If a New Year’s resolution seems like a thing of the past, that’s because it is! Around 2000 B.C., the Babylonians celebrated the New Year during a 12-day festival with a series of resolutions—mostly related to farming and paying off debts! Sometimes chivalry. And so on over the years.
Now, in 2023, the more typical resolutions involve personal commitments to continue good practices, change an undesired trait or behavior, accomplish a goal, or otherwise improve behavior at the beginning of a calendar year.
With that context in mind, here are three New Year’s resolutions that we’re making at FFI Practitioner and that we hope our readers will make as well.
Resolution 1
FFI Practitioner: Continue to fulfill our mission
The weekly FFI Practitioner provides thought-provoking analysis, trends and research affecting professionals in the family enterprise community. Published by and for professionals, each edition features practical, user-friendly content, and research on classic and emerging topics in the field across disciplines and around the world.
Readers and Listeners: Publish in FFI Practitioner in 2023
More than 50 individuals wrote for FFI Practitioner in 2022, but we have nearly 6000 readers! Please consider joining the contributors this year. Visit www.ffipractioner.org for suggested topics and guidelines for submissions. The fields need more ideas from more people from more parts of the world and FFI Practitioner is an ideal format for participating.
Resolution 2
FFI Practitioner: Combine tools, resources, and knowledge in each issue
Expand the Practitioner audience’s understanding that these issues, whether articles or podcasts, are also tools for use in consulting practices, university-based courses, and even informally among multi-generational families. No permission is required from FFI since the copyrights are embedded in the articles.
Readers and Listeners: Explore FFI Practitioner’s options as a resource
Consider using the “enhanced editions” when developing plans for advising and consulting engagements or creating course readings. Every edition is meant to be shared and is completely open to the public!
Please share articles and podcasts using the links found on each edition and download those for use in your own practice.

Resolution 3
FFI Practitioner: Expand the family enterprise field and the knowledge base of professionals and educators.
Make better use of social media, technology, extended networks, and more, to build awareness of how multi-general family business impact the critical issues of the day, e.g., climate change, technological advances, changing concepts of the family.
Readers and Listeners: Join FFI by increasing public awareness of the field through FFI Practitioner
FFI has nearly 2000 members in 80 countries and another 4000 non-member friends around the world, but these numbers pale in comparison to the combined outreach of FFI and its individual members. Please join us, wherever you are, in whatever aspect of the family enterprise fields you operate, and through whatever means you have to expand awareness among your own constituencies, governmental agencies, educational institutions of how important and essential this work is in the world.


Dan Frosh
Managing Editor, FFI Practitioner