FFI On Friday | August 10, 2018

Prepared Exclusively for FFI Members

Early Release:

September 2018 Issue of FBR

We are pleased to provide you with an advance look at the September 2018 issue of Family Business Review (FBR).

As a member of FFI, you have access to the complete library of FBR articles at no charge. Log in to FFI.org, click on “Educate” from the top menu, then Family Business Review, then select “Access FBR.”


Family Business Research: Roads Travelled and the Search for Unworn Paths

Donald O. Neubaum

The intent of this editorial is to spur thought about how the domain of family business has evolved and draw attention to the fact that there are a host of potential avenues where the domain can and should surely expand. Topical diversity and concerns about whether or not family business represents a unique field should take a back seat to efforts to explore new questions of practical and theoretical relevance.

Donald O. Neubaum


Broad Search, Deep Search, and the Absorptive Capacity Performance of Family and Nonfamily Firm R&D

Jasper Brinkerink

Research Questions:

  • Do family and nonfamily firms learn differently?
  • Does family influence foster or hinder the transformation of the potential absorptive capacity augmented by R&D into the realized absorptive capacity embodied by exploratory or exploitative innovation outcomes?

Jasper Brinkerink

Fly Away From the Nest? A Configurational Analysis of Family Embeddedness and Individual Attributes in the Entrepreneurial Entry Decision by Next-Generation Members

Daniel Pittino, Francesca Visintin, Giancarlo Lauto

Research Question:

  • How do the goals and attributes of individuals with a family business background combine with the embeddedness in the family business system to engender to two modes of entry into entrepreneurship, namely, succession in the family business and foundation of a new venture?

Daniel Pittino

Francesca Visintin

Giancarlo Lauto

Entrepreneurial Orientation and the Family Firm: Mapping the Field and Tracing a Path for Future Research

Remedios Hernández-Linares, María Concepción López-Fernández

Research Questions:

  • What do we know about entrepreneurial orientation within family firms?
  • What should we know to facilitate progress in this field of study?

Remedios Hernández-Linares

María Concepción López-Fernández

The Development of an Entrepreneurial Legacy: Exploring the Role of Anticipated Futures in Transgenerational Entrepreneurship

Francesco Barbera, Isabell Stamm, Rocki-Lee DeWitt

Research Questions:

  • How are entrepreneurial legacies shaped in business families?
  • How are entrepreneurial legacies reshaped over time?
  • How do entrepreneurial legacy dynamics relate to transgenerational entrepreneurship?

Francesco Barbera

Isabell Stamm

Rocki-Lee DeWitt

Summer Listening

Successful Generations Podcast: The Welch Allyn Family Business Story with Eric Allyn (4th Gen), Part 1 and Part 2

Former FFI board member, Eric Allyn shares the history of his family’s business and their journey from being family managed, to professionally managed, to publicly traded in this two-part podcast hosted by Ellie Frey Zagel.

Built for busy professionals, FFI GEN delivers world-class curriculum, unparalleled access to faculty and thought leaders, and connections to a global network of specialists in the field. Want to take your skills to the next level? Q3 enrollment is now open.