FFI Practitioner is pleased to host a discussion with Anneleen Michiels, Isabel Botero, and Roland Kidwell, discussing their article, “Toward a Family Science Perspective on Executive Compensation in Family Firms: A Review and Research Agenda,” published in the March 2022 issue of Family Business Review.

Anneleen Michiels, PhD, is associate professor of finance and family business at the Research Center for Entrepreneurship and Family firms at Hasselt University, Belgium. She is a former chair of the Strategic Interest Group on Family Business Research at the European Academy of Management and a past FOBI scholar. Her research focuses on the influence of money on the family business and the business family and is published in academic as well as practitioner-oriented journals. She can be reached at anneleen.michiels@uhasselt.be.

FFI Fellow Isabel C. Botero, PhD, is a faculty member in the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship at the University of Louisville, an advisor at Generation 6 Family Enterprise Advisors, and co-founder and contributor to Family Business Strong. She is a board member of the International Family Enterprise Research Academy. Her areas of specialty include strategic communication processes, philanthropy in family firms, and next generation issues in family enterprises. She can be reached at isabel.botero@louisville.edu.

FFI Fellow Roland Kidwell, PhD, is a member of the FBR Review Board. He is professor of management, chair of the management department, and director of the Adams Center for Entrepreneurship at Florida Atlantic University. His research focuses on human resource management issues in family firms. He can be reached at kidwellr@fau.edu.