FFI Practitioner Articles We Love: Donald Neubaum of Family Business Review
Weekly Edition • February 21, 2024
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From FFI Practitioner
This week we are pleased to continue our series of guest-curated FFI Practitioner articles with Donald Neubaum, editor of Family Business Review. Thanks to Don for sharing his selection of editions about guiding family enterprises through leadership transitions.
Family enterprise leaders are constantly concerned about transitions.
Family enterprise advisors can play a crucial, collaborative role in guiding clients through leadership transitions–and of course, the complex dynamics of multigenerational transition provide ample opportunities for research in the articles of Family Business Review. The following four FFI Practitioner articles offer unique insights into the transition processes that family firms face, providing important advice on how to successfully navigate this difficult process.
By Pramodita Sharma
The first article argues that generational transition in family businesses may take a variety of successful forms beyond the common “family firm survival” metric. Successful enterprising families can follow several paths to create value and wealth over generations.
By Leonardo Glikin
Leonardo Glikin’s article introduces five generational transfer models identified by the authors in their research of 100 Argentine and Paraguayan firms. It discusses each model and presents evidence on the conditions for success and effectiveness of each. This article, part of a series of bilingual editions by members of the IberoAmérica Virtual Study Group, was published in both English and Spanish.
By Peter Jaskiewicz, Sabine Rau, and Katrina Barclay
The third article notes that misunderstandings across generations can lead to difficult or unsuccessful transitions. The authors present a series of questions senior leaders need to ask next gens in an effort to understand, and better align, the goals and values of all members of enterprising families.
By Sabine Rau, Peter Jaskiewicz, and James Combs
The final article presents four successful succession strategies witnessed in twenty-one multi-generational German wineries. These four strategies differ in how decisions are made, how the next generation is raised, and how succession processes followed, yet all led to successful transitions and ensured the continuation of the family business.

Published as a refereed journal since 1988, Family Business Review (FBR) is the leading scholarly publication devoted exclusively to exploration of the dynamics of family-controlled enterprise, including firms ranging in size from the very large to the relatively small.
About the Contributor

Donald Neubaum, PhD, is a DeSantis Distinguished Professor in Management and Entrepreneurship at Florida Atlantic University. His research interests include issues of ownership and governance, and in particular, how they relate to innovation and corporate entrepreneurship, family businesses, and ethics/social responsibility. He can be reached at
Related Editions
If you enjoyed today’s edition, check out the previous editions in this series featuring guest curators: