FFI Practitioner Articles We Love: Part 1 of a Series
Weekly Edition • March 1, 2023

From FFI Practitioner
This week we are pleased to introduce a series of guest curated FFI Practitioner articles. First up is David Shaw, publishing director of Family Business Magazine. Thanks to David for highlighting his favorite must-read editions on family enterprise branding and trust.
I make a conscious effort to seek the products and services of family-owned companies.
This means that when I go shopping, I buy Kiolbassa sausages, Lundberg Family Farms rice, and Bush’s Beans, among others. I stay in Marriott-owned and -operated hotels. My family and I have experienced the joys of a few of Herschend Family Entertainment’s theme parks. And this isn’t simply because I’ve been associated with Family Business Magazine for nearly 20 years. I trust family brands and have rarely had that trust violated. And I’m not alone, as the 2019 Edelman Trust Barometer showed. Customers and employees trust family companies more than they do non-family companies.
The articles below, two of which refer to the Edelman Trust Barometer, are some of my favorites from FFI Practitioner, and look at branding and trust from a variety of useful perspectives.
This article adds a positive look at social media and how it can reflect and enhance the brand, and it offers three approaches to convincing the older generations of the value of social media—storytelling, legacy, and even serving as an alternative to retirement: “It allows one to continue to have a voice, to be heard, and to converse in an age where face-to-face talk is going extinct.”

Family Business is published by MLR Media, a third-generation family-owned business. Through digital platforms, magazines, and events, MLR Media provides public and private company directors, leaders and owners of multigenerational family businesses and C-suite executives with the knowledge and skills to be successful in their roles.
For Family Business Magazine’s most recent take on branding, see “Your Family Business Brand”.

David Shaw is the publishing director for Family Business Magazine, Directors & Boards and Private Company Director. He is the co-creator of the Family Business Transitions conferences, the Private Company Governance Summit and Family Business Legacy. His goal is to help multi-generational family companies and enterprises remain vibrant and functional. He can be reached at dshaw@familybusinessmagazine.com.